Home Page

Year 3 / 4

Home Learning

1st March - 5th March


Below is a suggested daily timetable to follow for your home learning.

Remember our Zoom lessons are at 11:00 - 11:30 and 1:45 - 2:15 every day. Follow the link in the email to join.


9:00 – 9:30

9:30 – 10:30

10:30 – 11:00



12:00 – 1:00


1:30 – 1:45

1:45 – 2:45

2:45 – 3:15



Read Theory


Zoom teaching and

Zoom independent work


Times Tables Rock Stars


Zoom teaching and

Zoom independent work

Purple mash


To use Read Theory, use the class code (4254YMAR) to create a free account or log in if you’ve already got an account.


After your zoom lesson, complete the activities below. There are additional reading, times tables, arithmetic, spelling and creative activities on Purplemash.



Use the Daily Lesson Activities powerpoint  after your English Lesson and try your best. 

Spellings - Follow the dates on the slides to know which spellings you need to practice each week.

Reading Challenge!! (Feel free to send in any pictures - I will pop them on the website and share them with the class!)


After our zoom lessons, pick a mild, medium or spicy activity.

Mild: I am ok with this learning/task

Medium: This is slightly tricky but I am ok

Spicy: This is really tricky

Remember, if it's too tough or too easy, you can always change your activity.

Science! Below is a weekly science lesson written for parents and families in mind. It is on states of matter (solids, liquids and gasses) and matches the science learning in school. If you get time, it would be a great family activity.

Poetry - In the first week of lockdown Lucy created her own poems and performed them with actions. She has done a fantastic job! Well done!

Still image for this video

hot food.mp4

Still image for this video

Welcome to Year 3/4!


Hello and welcome to Year 3/4.

Our class is made up of a collection of wonderful children who are taught by Mrs Wood and supported during the week by Mrs Davey, Mrs Smithies and Miss Hennesey.


Throughout the year we will build on our skills in resilience, independence, teamwork, motivation, communication and self-esteem and self- confidence in order to reach our goals.


Your child will be expected to bring their reading book and book bag home everyday and return it to school the following morning. Your child might read to a sibling, a grandparent, to you or to themselves a range of different texts such as stories, newspapers, poems and non-fiction books. It is important to read to build up their understanding skill and their reading stamina.


On a Tuesday and a Thursday, your child will bring home their spelling journal to practise the spellings they have been learning in class. You can help them in learning their spellings by playing short games such as hangman or testing them. Lots of repetition is needed in order for them to learn their spellings.


On a Friday homework will be sent home in their homework journal. This will be a piece of English and/or Maths homework revising what they have learnt in class. They will be given clear instructions before they leave school, but if they struggle please write a note in their homework diary and encourage them to talk to a member of staff in the classroom. Your child is also welcome to attend homework club every Wednesday after school until 4:30pm. 


Year 3/4 have PE on a Wednesday afternoon and are expected to have a full PE kit in school for their lessons.


