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Year 4/5

Miss Tierney is the class teacher and we are supported by Mrs Smithies and Mrs Barrie in our Literacy and Numeracy sessions.

In the afternoon we are supported by Miss Townley and Miss Duffy . In our class there are 24 children. 


PE is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Homework and spellings are given out on Mondays and collected on Friday. Homework club is on Tuesday after school. 


The children are given an opportunity to change their home reading books on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Summer 2018


Year 4/5 have been making most of the sunshine this term and have spent lots of time on our garden area. Take a look at our Moana themed garden. Isn't it great!

Spring 2018


Year 4/5 have enjoyed lots of practical science investigations this term. We predicted and tested materials to see whether  they were soluble or insoluble. We had to separate a mixture into different materials using magnets, sieves and water to dissolve the sand to separate it from sand. We explored gravity and air resistance by creating and testing parachutes.

Autumn 2017


In our topic work we looked at life in ancient China. We researched and cooked Chinese food; we made oracle bones from clay and etched symbols we had designed into the surface.  In science we learnt all about solids, liquids and gases. We had to learn the properties of what determined each state and use correct scientific vocabulary to describe each one.
