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Dear Parents,


I am delighted to let you see inside our wonderful school. Thorn Primary School offers all its pupils an exciting range of opportunities designed to stimulate young minds and enhance their learning experiences.

Without doubt, our outdoor learning environment is outstanding, as is the education your child will receive in our spacious school.


We were delighted when inspectors rated our school as "outstanding" and we strive to ensure high standards are maintained through our lively and well-planned curriculum. Our children respond to the excellent teaching they receive and maintain consistently good results giving them the best possible start to their educational life and preparing them well for their chosen High School.


It has been my privilege to head Thorn Primary and I would be delighted to show you around our school.


Mrs A L Edgar


Our School Vision

At Thorn Primary School, we have designed the curriculum to ensure all pupils receive a broad and balanced education that builds up skills , knowledge and understanding. It ensures academic success whilst promoting a good understanding of physical and mental well-being. Thorn Primary School develops the diversity and uniqueness of all our pupils supporting their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through the curriculum to ensure pupils are fully prepared to make a positive contribution to society.
