Miss Spencer is the class teacher and we are supported by Mrs Neil in our Literacy and Numeracy sessions.
In the afternoon we are supported by Mrs Harris, Mrs Lee and Miss Townley. In our class there are 31 children.
PE is on Mondays and Fridays. Homework and spellings are given out on Mondays and collected on Friday. Homework club is on Wednesday after school.
The children are given an opportunity to change their home reading books on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
During the autumn term we had lots fun exploring the Shang Dynasty! We were lucky enough to have some visitors from Lancashire Music. Together we created Chinese music, it was lots of fun. We tried to make sounds with a range of instruments.
In our science work we looked at changes of state where the children compared and grouped materials into solids, liquids and gasses. We investigated the effects of heating and cooling on materials as well as measuring and researching temperature. This led to lots of experiments such as the corn flour experiment!! Check out our photographs!
Outside in the forest school area, we created pictures and frames all out of natural materials. We worked as a group and displayed super team work in the snow to design and create them.
During the spring term we focused on Geography - the children spend lots of time studying maps on different scales and locating the world's countries and identifying the Equator, N. and S. Hemisphere, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Following on from this, the children researched and compared a region of Europe and the UK. They created leaflets and power points, which incorporated lots of computing skills. This led to our Art work, the children worked hard to create collage pictures using a variety of materials using physical and human photographs of the UK. See some of our work below! They are amazing!