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Year 2

Class 2W

In our class, Mrs Worrall is the class teacher. Supporting us this year we have Mrs Lee and Mrs Barrie.


Our spellings go home on a Monday and are to be returned by Friday, these will be tested Friday afternoon. Homework will be sent home on Friday and needs to be returned by Monday. Book bags are monitored every Monday, Wednesday and Friday so please make sure you are reading well and remembering to bring your book bag into school. Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday so please ensure there is a full PE kit in school.

Great Fire of London: The children loved making biscuits like those sold in the Pudding Lane bakery.


During Spring 1, we investigated how different puppets were made using a variety of materials. We used what we had learnt to then create our own designs. I'm sure you'll agree that the children produced some fantastic finished puppets!


Summer Term

This term we have completed some really exciting activities. We have been working towards moving into Year 3 and have been trying to build our independence skills. Here are a few pictures of some of the activities we have completed, I hope you enjoy looking at them!

Growing and releasing our own class butterflies.


Our RE topic early in our Summer term was Islam, we enjoyed learning all about prayer and routines. We learnt the order praying and the different poses Muslims adopt during praying. The children chose and practised their own prayer pose.


As part of our literacy unit this half term we have been writing and following instructions. As a class we decided we wanted to make our own sandwiches to eat in the afternoon. We choose the 4 main toppings we wanted to use and also added our own salad if we wanted this.

The children did a fantastic job!
