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Year 1/2


We are a happy and friendly group of children who love to learn. 

Our Teachers across the two classes are Miss Riding & Mrs Campbell and Miss Healey. We are supported by a collection of helpful and supportive Teaching Assistants. 


Reading books go home every day and must be brought back into school every day. 

We encourage all children to read regularly at home with a grown-up who must sign the home reading record. Little and often is the key to reading - 10 minutes a day is brilliant! 

Book bags will be checked and changed weekly. Children will bring home a phonetically decodable reading book, which they should be able to read with some independence alongside a free choice book to enjoy with family. It is very important that the children re-read the same book regularly, as they need to see sounds and words again and again to transfer into their long-term memory.


Children will also bring home homework on a Friday to be returned to school by the following Wednesday. Homework will practise learning done in class or prepare your child for future learning. It should be something you do together, so you can talk about your child's learning with them. 


PE is currently on a Wednesday in Year 1/2RC and a Thursday & Friday in Year 1/2H. It is expected that a full PE kit is in school every day, in case of timetable changes.

All children in the unit will go swimming over the course of the school year at different times. This will be on a Friday morning so those children who are swimming will need their swimming costume, a towel and their swimming cap. It helps if this is in a named bag and if children are familiar with what their equipment looks like. Earrings cannot be worn when swimming and must be removed prior to coming to school that day.

Learning games to play at home

Here are QR codes and website addresses for games and songs we use in class. There are lots of maths and phonics games that the children love to play and it really helps them practise their basic skills. Scan the QR code or type in the web address. Remember to always supervise your child when they are online and ensure they know to let you know if they see something that makes them uncomfortable.

Our World

We have been learning about our world. We have identified the UK, the equator and the hot and cold countries. For homework, the children made maps of the world with their families. 


Look at all the creative maps - aren't they fantastic!

African Masks

We learnt all about Masai homes and how the Masai tribe live. We explored traditional African patterns before looking at African masks and thinking about how they are used. We then designed our own African mask and decorated with a range of patterns and media. Don't they look great!

Thank you parents for attending our parent open afternoon. It was wonderful to see parents and children learning together. The children were delighted to share their learning about fossils with their parents. They also enjoyed sharing some maths and literacy games.

Reading Meeting

Thank you to all who attended our Year 1 reading meeting. Your continued support is invaluable in progressing your child's reading skills, confidence and love of books. Below are the slides from the meeting. 

Reading meeting ppt.mp4

Still image for this video

Sound Mats

Use these sound mats to help your child when reading. The images are the same as we use in school and support children in picking and pronouncing the sounds within the word.


Tricky word songs

Sing along to these tricky word songs to practise reading and spelling those tricky words that don't follow our phonics rules. Trust us, they will stick in your head!

The Alphabet

It is important that children know the sounds letters make as well as their 'letter names'. This helps children to be able to select the correct letter when spelling. Use these videos to practise letter sounds and names. 

