Hi all,
That's another week of home learning complete so that means another week closer to returning to normal. Hope you are all well.
I have uploaded all the home learning documents you may need below. Also please remember to look on purple mash for activities and online daily lessons at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons
And again, just remember, any learning you do with your child is beneficial for them, it's about getting them to think and be creative, you are doing a great job.
Just a reminder that reading activities can be found at https://readtheory.org/auth/login
Log in to access free reading comprehension and writing exercises sure to improve your critical thinking skills. readtheory.org |
If you haven't already accessed this resource, please use the code below to access this.
Class Code and Registration link:
Weekly spelling activities will be uploaded onto purple mash for you to practise or you can have a go and learning from the list below.
Here is a timetable to follow during the day.
9.00 9.15 | 9.15 - 9.45 | 9.45-10.45 | 11.00-12.00 | 1.15 -3.00 |
Spelling activity | Reading Activity | Grammar Activity | Maths Activity | Practical Activity/French/Forest School/Topic |
The children have all received packs of work to cover the above areas of learning. The aim is to complete single tasks daily and not all at once!
In addition to this, they have logins for Purple Mash and Timestables Rockstars.
Reading books have also been sent home. Please encourage your child to read regularly and continue to comment in their home diary.
Further website links and parent support:
Spring 2020
Spring term has flown by! We have had so much fun. We have explored different materials in science, created 3D landmarks from France with an array of equipment and created a scene from our favourite stories for World Book Day.
Autumn 2019
We have learnt in lots of different ways this term. We have enjoyed finding about our outdoor environment through exploration in science. We also found out about how Muslims practice their faith in England. We had a visitor that explained about the five pillars of Islam and discovered why prayer is so important.