Hello and welcome to Year 2.
Our class teacher is Mrs Worrall. There are 29 pupils in our class. The teaching assistants who support us in the mornings are Mrs Tighe, Mrs Harris and Mrs Lee.
P.E: Is on a Monday and a Thursday. Please ensure your child's full kit in in school on these days.
Homework: Will be sent home on a Friday and this needs to be back in school by Monday.
Reading: Reading books will come home on a Monday, Wednesday and a Friday. Please ensure you have signed your child's reading record as this will indicate to us when we need to change their book.
Have you seen the Kid's zone? Check out the games, activities and information.
Our topics this year will be:
Autumn: Ancient Worlds
Spring: Water Worlds
Summer: Future worlds
Ancient Worlds: Knights and Castle
Our first topic this year has been Knights and Castles. We have enjoyed learning all about different types of castles and the people who lived in and around these. The children then designed and created their own castles, some of these even had moving parts!
Harvest Celebrations.
As part of our Science Week and Harvest celebrations we have created our own Harvest garden. The children created their own lamps using the colours we saw in school grounds during Autumn. The activity the children enjoyed the most was creating our very own class scarecrow. We named him Freddy!
World Book Day!
Year 2 have had a fantastic day in class. The children's outfits are amazing!!
Our focus for our learning today has been the author Roald Dahl and the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We have created our own book marks, designed our 'Wonka' inspired chocolate bar and created a WANTED poster for a story book character.
I hope you enjoy looking at all the photographs of our costumes.