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Year 3/4

Healthy Eating


In science, we discovered how our bodies digest food, how to keep our teeth healthy and what our bodies need to be strong and healthy. In DT, we then tasted a variety of salad ingredients and chose our favourite ones to combine and create a salad. Yum!

Welcome to 3/4T. Miss Tierney is the class teacher and is supported by Mrs Tighe, Mrs Harris and Mrs Neil. Home readers will be checked on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. Please make sure your cgild is reading as often as possible and that they bring their book into school weekly. Homework will be given out on Mondays to be returned for Friday. PE is on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

What a Summer year we have had!


In science, we have learned all about the human body and our digestive system.

In forest schools, we created weaves using materials from the outdoor environment. Also, we were very lucky to have a robotics workshop using Lego to create moving structures.




This term in history we have been learning about stone age Britain. We went on an archaeological dig to find evidence of life from thousands of years ago.