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Year 4/5

Miss Spencer is the class teacher and we are supported by Miss Townley, Mrs Smithies, Mrs Tighe, Mrs Neil and Mrs Barrie.  In our class we have 30 children. Homework and spellings are given out on a Monday and must be returned the following Friday. Children are encouraged to read their book every day and this will be checked every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. P.E. takes place on Monday and Tuesday and all children must have a full P.E. kit in school. We are looking forward to our year of learning together.

Happy New Year from 4/5S


This term we are looking at science fiction in our literacy lessons. As the term progresses, keep an eye out for updates on our work.


In Topic, we are visiting North America and learning all about the people and other features of this amazing place.


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During our literacy lessons we have been reading the legend 'Beowulf' and have explored the text through a variety exciting activities. Watch us below re-telling the story!