Year 2
Welcome to our class, our class teacher is Miss Suthers. We currently have 27 children in our class and are supported by Miss Melvin and Miss Butler.
On a Friday, your child will bring home a piece of Maths and/or English homework practising something from class and should be returned by the following Thursday.
Home Readers are monitored everyday, don't forget to fill in their reading record so they can get their team reading token each week! Free Readers are changed when children have finished their book which Miss Suthers has recommended!
PE is on a Monday and Tuesday, please ensure your child has a full kit in school for their PE lessons.
Please remember to bring your book bag into school every day!
History/PHSE Court Day 23/2/22
Today, Year 2 took part in a court case. We listened to the judge, witness and accused explain the case and we decided if the accused was guilty or not guilty. We had a great time!
DT- Exploring stability 10/2/22
Today we have conducted an experiment, testing the stability of 3D shapes to see which one is the most stable. We found the pyramid was the most stable!
Fire Safety Talk 27/1/22
Today Year 2 had special visitors from Lancashire Fire and Rescue. We learnt how important smoke alarms are, how to 'stop, drop and roll' if there was a fire in our house, practised phoning 999 and telling the call handler our address.
Spring Term
This half term, we have started learning about different facts about birds in Literacy. We have loved learning about owls, parrots, flamingos and many more! Thank you to the children who have brought in their own information books for us to read
Colour Run
This week children of Thorn Primary School took part in the 2021 Colour Run! We raised sponsorship money and ran laps of the Forest School field getting covered head to toe in paint!