Mrs.Kelly is the year 1/2 class teacher and she is supported by teaching assistants Mrs.Halshaw, Mrs.Lee, Mrs.Townley, Mrs. Nield and Miss. Duffy. There are currently 25 children in the class.
The children go swimming on Wednesday and have P.E. on Friday.
Home reading books are changed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Homework and spellings are given on Fridays to be returned completed on Monday.
This half term we have enjoyed our history topic about the famous scientist Mary Anning, fossils and dinosaurs. The children have learnt about the life of Mary Anning and how she became famous by finding an Ichthyosaur(fish lizard) fossil in Lyme Regis. In Literacy we have read and wrote stories, information and poems about dinosaurs.
We made two giganitic models of dinosuars, which will eventually live in the schools outdoor environment!
In science we have been learning about materials their uses and how they can be changed. In the last week before half term we enjoyed plant week. We went on an Autumn walk to collect leaves and seeds and identified these. We used them to print and make autumn trees and create collage autumn faces.
Finally we finished our Geography theme by our trip to the seaside at Fleetwood. We visited the Life Boat Station and the museum where we learnt about seaside holidays in the past and had the opportunity to play with toys from the past and dress up.
The weather was lovely and we managed to picnic on the beach, collect shells and throw pebbles into the sea-it was a great day.