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Year 1/2C

Hello and welcome to Year 1/2C!

Mr Cockett is our class teacher and there are 29 children in our class. Mrs Halshaw, Miss Duffy, Miss Stokes, Mrs Tighe, Miss Lord, Miss Lord, Mrs Procter and Miss Townley join our class at different points in the week to help us learn. 

Our homework will be given out on a Friday and we must bring it in for Monday. Library books will be changed every Wednesday so that we can read a different book every week. We practise our skills in PE every Monday, where we learn many different games, and Tuesday, where we are developing our knowledge in Gymnastics.


We have all agreed to follow our class rules. These rules can be placed into 3 simple words:


TRUST       LISTEN         LEARN


We feel that these rules will help us develop within the classroom.


Our Forest School Adventure

Throughout this half term we have been working in our forest school area to develop a range of skills which will help us within our classroom. These skills include:




    DETERMINATION                    RESILIENCE     



The Blindfolded Maze

Dangerous Dinosaurs

Our first topic of the year is linked to the pre-historic world of Dinosaurs! We are going to explore many different dinosaurs, thinking about how they lived and died, what they ate as well as how they travelled. 

Exploring for fossils

Wonderful World

It has been an exciting term in Year 1/2 C. We have learnt about a variety of countries in our international week. Gained an insight into how science works and the many different experiments that are possible. We have also compared the four countries of the United Kingdom (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales) and found similarities and differences between these countries and the country of Brazil.
International Week Countries
     India                              China                     The Caribbean                     Mexico
Comparing Britain to Brazil