Hello and Welcome to Year 1K.
Mrs.Kelly is our class teacher and there are 28 children in our class. We are helped by Mrs.Halshaw, Mrs.Procter, Miss.Lord,
and Miss.Townley. P.E. is on Mondays and Thursdays. Homework and spelling are given out Fridays to be returned on Mondays. Home reading books are changed Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Library books are changed on Tuesdays.
This half term we have been out in the Forest school area developing skills in working as a team and solving puzzles. Here
are some photos of us at work outside.
This half term our theme is Knights and Castles. We have been enjoying learning about castles in the past and the parts of the castle and what these were used for. We have planned and designed and made our own model castles.
This half term has been very busy in Year 1. We have been finding out about Autumn time. We have been on an Autumn walk
and collected lots of different leaves, which we used to print Autumn trees and make faces. We also enjoyed singing at the
Harvest Festival and some of us made fantastic pumpkins for the pumpkin carving competition. Well done to Jakob who won
our class prize.
It has been another busy half term in Year 1. In our theme we have been learning all about the Ancient Egyptians. We have
learnt all about Pharaohs, pyramids and the importance of the river Nile. Here are some pictures of us with the death masks
we made.
Spring Term
It has been another busy half term in Year 1. We have really enjoyed our theme about pirates. We have learnt about famous
pirates and their ships in the past. In design technology we designed and made our own pirate finger puppets, which turned out
In Computing the children learnt about input and output and programming by using bee-bots and treasure maps.
They created a program to move a toy to a particular location and learnt how to debug a program.
Spring 2nd half term
This half term started with a great deal of snow but we had fun out in the forest school area. We looked for animal tracks in
the snow, made out own tracks with arrows for us to follow. We also tried to make giant snowballs but the snow was not
very sticky.
We had a great day on World Book Day. We all looked fantastic in our costumes and enjoyed a day doing lots of activities
about the Gruffalo by one of our favourite authors Julia Donaldson. Congratulations to our class winner Cole who made a
great Big Friendly Giant.
Summer 1st Half Term
We have started this half term by creating some fantastic art work. We have learnt how to weave using shades of blue
to represent the sea. Then we added our finishing touches using felt to create sea creatures to glue onto the background.
It took a great deal of patience but the results are fantastic!
Blackpool Zoo Trip 2018
We were very excited about our trip to Blackpool Zoo this term. We had a great day, we saw lots of the African and Asian animals that we have been learning about. We also learnt about the Rainforest and which animals live there and we got to hold a giant hissing cockroach. Finally we enjoyed looking at the life size dinosaur models.
Summer 2018
In plants week we really enjoyed making our garden based on the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We recycled wood,
bubble wrap, wool, cardboard and even an old cap to make it. Some children made gardens at home congratulations to
Jack Corey who was our class winner.
We have enjoyed lots of different activities this week involving science, technology, engineering and mathematics. We loved
the Lego workshop where we learnt how to make models and programme them to move, make sounds, make pictures and
change colour. We also enjoyed an afternoon of mathematical challenges which involved cracking codes, making 3D shapes
and solving calculations.