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Year 1 / 2

Welcome to Year 1/2

Welcome to our class, we are excited to get to know all the children and begin our exciting new year. Our class teacher is Mrs Johnson and supporting our class this year we have Mrs Wilkinson, Miss Butler and Miss Melvin. Currently in our class we have 26 children.


A little bit of information about routines in our class:

Homework will be sent home on a Friday and needs to be returned by Monday. Reading books will be sent home on a rota during the week and will be linked with your child's weekly phonics sounds. You will receive more information about your day for changing your reader at the beginning of the year. Your child will only have one book throughout the week to develop fluency in reading. These will be changed each week however book bags are monitored every day so please remember to bring your book bag into school every day and sign when your child has read.


We currently have PE on a Monday and Thursday afternoon so please ensure there is a full PE kit in school.




Autumn Term- Brilliant Britain

This term, we will be learning all about 'Brilliant Britain'. We will be focussing on significant individuals and how their lives impacted ours nowadays. In Autumn 1 we will be learning about the famous palaeontologist Mary Anning and how her work led to us knowing far more about dinosaurs. In Autumn 2, we will be comparing two very important astronauts. We will be learning about their journeys into space and why these are significant to life today.
